Halal Bihalal 2024 Keluarga Besar WIKA Beton

Halal Bihalal 2024 Keluarga Besar WIKA Beton

PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk (WIKA Beton) langsung menggelar acara Halal Bihalal bersama tim manajemen dan para pegawai saat hari pertama masuk pada Selasa (16/4), usai libur panjang Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1445 H / 2024 M. Agenda diselenggarakan secara hybrid di Pabrik Produk Beton (PPB) Bogor.

Kegiatan Halal Bihalal ini merupakan momen penting bagi tim manajemen dan semua pegawai untuk saling meminta maaf, sekaligus sebagai sarana untuk meningkatkan kekompakan dan semangat kerja. Diharapkan, suasana yang harmonis dan positif ini akan memberikan dampak yang baik terhadap hasil kinerja perusahaan pasca liburan lebaran.

Halal Bihalal 2024: Strengthening Bonds Within the WIKA Beton Family

On the first workday after the long Eid al-Fitr holiday, Tuesday (April 16), PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk (WIKA Beton) organized a Halal Bihalal event with the management team and employees. The hybrid event took place at the Bogor Precast Concrete Plant (PPB).

This Halal Bihalal served as a meaningful occasion for management and employees to exchange apologies and strengthen teamwork and camaraderie. It also acted as a platform to renew collective enthusiasm and focus on achieving corporate goals.

The harmonious and positive atmosphere fostered during this gathering is expected to enhance the company’s performance and productivity in the post-holiday period. WIKA Beton continues to embrace such traditions to nurture a culture of unity and collaboration among its workforce.



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