PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk (WIKA Beton) berkolaborasi dengan PT Wijaya Karya Bangunan Gedung (WIKA Gedung) menyelenggarakan Sharing Session bertema “Strengthening Leadership for Transformation” dengan menghadirkan pembicara Bapak Ignasius Jonan, mantan Menteri Kabinet Kerja periode 2014-2019, di WIKA Tower 2 Jakarta pada Selasa (20/8).
Acara ini dihadiri oleh jajaran Direksi, BoD-1, dan BoD-2 secara langsung, serta diikuti secara virtual oleh lebih dari 800 pegawai WIKA, WIKA Beton, dan WIKA Gedung. Sharing Session ini merupakan bagian dari program pengembangan kompetensi pegawai, khususnya dalam hal Developing Organizational Capabilities, Driving Innovation, and Customer Focus, sebagai dukungan terhadap transformasi yang tengah berlangsung di lingkungan WIKA Group.
Melalui kegiatan ini, diharapkan terjadi inisiasi transformasi kepemimpinan dari level tertinggi hingga ke seluruh pegawai, guna memajukan organisasi dan mencapai kepuasan seluruh pemangku kepentingan.
Ignasius Jonan Shares Transformation Insights with WIKA Group
PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk (WIKA Beton) Collaborates with PT Wijaya Karya Bangunan Gedung (WIKA Gedung) to Host Sharing Session on “Strengthening Leadership for Transformation”
On Tuesday, August 20, PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk (WIKA Beton) collaborated with PT Wijaya Karya Bangunan Gedung (WIKA Gedung) to hold a Sharing Session themed “Strengthening Leadership for Transformation.” The event featured Mr. Ignasius Jonan, former Minister of the Working Cabinet (2014–2019), as the keynote speaker at WIKA Tower 2 in Jakarta.
The event was attended in person by members of the Board of Directors (BoD), BoD-1, and BoD-2, and virtually by over 800 employees from WIKA, WIKA Beton, and WIKA Gedung. This Sharing Session is part of an employee competency development program focusing on Developing Organizational Capabilities, Driving Innovation, and Customer Focus, supporting the ongoing transformation within the WIKA Group.
Through this activity, the initiative aims to instill leadership transformation from the highest levels down to all employees, advancing the organization and achieving satisfaction for all stakeholders.