

Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) Strategic Policy PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk.

Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility or Corporate Social Responsibility is the commitment and contribution of the Company to participate in sustainable development in the economic, social and environmental sectors in accordance with ISO 26000 guidelines and Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), in order to improve the quality of life and the environment that is beneficial to both the Company, the local community and society at large.

The basis for implementing the Corporate Social Responsibility Strategic or Corporate Social Responsibility is:

1. Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies;

WIKA Beton organizes a Strategic CSR policy based on Law Number 40 of 2007, Chapter V, Article 74 paragraph (1). The law explained that companies that carry out business activities related to natural resources must carry out CSR programs. The Company has taken the initiative to implement a Strategic CSR program that is appropriate to the needs of the stakeholders. Strategic CSR programs and activities are critical to the Company`s business sustainability and provide added value for all stakeholders. Previously, the Company`s operations, programs, and CSR costs were consolidated and centralized in PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk as a Parent Company.

2. ISO 26000

ISO 26000 is made by the Company as a guideline for responsibility for the impact of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behavior that is consistent with sustainable development and community welfare; pay attention to the interests of stakeholders in accordance with applicable law and be consistent with international norms, integrated throughout the organization`s activities covering 7 (seven) core issues, namely: organizational governance; human rights (human rights); labor practices (labor practices); environment (environment); fair operating procedures (reasonable operating practices); consumer issues (consumer issues); and community involvement and development.
The Company also believes the implementation of ISO 26000 can contribute more optimally in supporting the achievement of various sustainable development goals on a global scale as formulated in the SDGs.
The Company set 2020 as the start of implementing ISO 26000 as a standard for the overall management of the Strategic CSR Program in the Company. We have compiled and established the PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk CSR Roadmap. In 2020-2022, by implementing ISO 26000 and SDGs as the standard for managing the Company`s Strategic CSR, by absorbing all related ideas from all work units, so that the management of CSR programs and activities is more integrated concerning the 7 (seven) core subjects of ISO 26000.
With the preparation of the Strategic CSR Roadmap, the Company targets that in 2023 it can achieve its CSR goals towards World Quality, where all of the Company`s Strategic CSR activities are managed based on ISO 26000 guidelines and SDGs.

3. Sustainability Development Goals

The Sustainability Development Goals as an agenda is an agreement on sustainable development based on human rights and equality with universal, integrated and inclusive principles, to ensure that no one is left behind through an action plan targeting the 5P, namely: People ( Mankind), Planet (Earth), Prosperity, Peace, Partnership which are interrelated with one another.
In practice, the implementation of the Company`s Strategic CSR is also guided by the objectives of sustainable development by adjusting the formulation in accordance with the issues in the Company as a materiality aspect in the Company`s Strategic CSR programs and activities.
Based on the compilation of the Company`s Strategic CSR Roadmap that has been carried out, out of 17 formulations of global scale sustainable development goals summarized in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Company views the implementation of various activities to improve the welfare of marginal communities around operational areas through the Community Involvement & Development (CID) program or community engagement & development will be the main focus of the Company`s Strategic CSR programs and activities, in addition to the Non-CID and philanthropic programs. In line with the preparation of the Company`s Strategic CSR Roadmap, there are four objectives formulated by the Company as a vital aspect of the materiality of the Strategic CSR program. The four formulations of development goals in the SDGs referred to are:

1. The 3rd goal; Healthy and Prosperous Life

Strategic CSR programs implemented are tree planting activities.

2. The 6th goal; Clean Water and Proper Sanitation

The Strategic CSR Program implemented is the standardization of Wastewater Management Installation (WWTP).

3. Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Strategic CSR programs implemented are system improvement activities and improvement of the contract system and collection of accounts receivable. Vendor coaching program and training for potential vendors. Application program to channel aspirations for Employees.

4. 12th goal; Responsible Consumption and Production

The Strategic CSR program that is implemented is the utilization of residual rock ash waste (fly-ash) as a mixture of concrete production. Reuse waste and waste such as used barrels, used boots, wood scraps, etc. into useful items and reprocess the residual products and waste into economically valuable products such as concrete blocks, paving blocks

Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) Strategic Policy PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk.

Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility or Corporate Social Responsibility is the commitment and contribution of the Company to participate in sustainable development in the economic, social and environmental sectors in accordance with ISO 26000 guidelines and Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), in order to improve the quality of life and the environment that is beneficial to both the Company, the local community and society at large.

The basis for implementing the Corporate Social Responsibility Strategic or Corporate Social Responsibility is:

  1. Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies;
  2. ISO 26000;
  3. Sustainability Development Goals;

The implementation of the Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility Program includes the following:

  1. Philanthropy Program;
  2. Community Involvement Development (CID) Program;
  3. Non-Community Involvement Development (CID) Program,

which is summarized in 4 (four) pillars of the Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility activities of the Company include:

  1. Phylantrophy Program
  2. Program Community Involvement Development/CID);
  3. Program Non-Community Involvement Development/CID),

that summarize in 4 (four) Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility plllar activities

  1. Care WTON Pillars;
  2. Smart WTON Pillars;
  3. Healthy WTON Pillars;
  4. WTON 3R Pillar (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).

The Company in carrying out its Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility activities is committed to achieving its objectives:

  1. Building the Company`s image and reputation which ultimately increases the trust of both consumers and business partners in the Company;
  2. Social License to Operate (social license to operate); The Company has the support and goodwill of the community/community loyalty;
  3. Fostering a sense of pride and positive value of employees towards the Company;
  4. Establishing good dialogue with other stakeholders;
  5. Reducing the Company`s business risk.

Jakarta, 19 April 2022

PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk.,



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Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) Strategic Policy PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk.

In carrying out the programs and activities of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility the company needs to establish procedures. The procedure is a series of activities or stages that must be carried out in order to produce the desired results.
The Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility Procedure is referred to as: "Procedure for Managing Corporate Strategic Social Responsibility Activities" with number WB-CSH-PS-05 Rev.02.

Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) Strategic Policy PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk.

In order to realize the Company`s commitment and contribution to participate in sustainable development in the economic, social, and environmental sectors in accordance with ISO 26000 guidelines and Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), in order to improve the quality of life and the environment that benefits both the Company, the local community, and the community in general, the Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies are determined as follows:

  1. Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility, the Company is integrated with the Company`s Strategic Policy, both planning, implementation, evaluation, reporting, and publication to enhance the Company`s reputation, efficiency, business growth, and implement business risk mitigation;
  2. Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility, the Company, is integrated with the Company`s Strategic Policy, prioritizing community involvement and development (CID) in the economic, environmental and social fields, by realizing the independence of the community through the process of mentoring and development community;
  3. Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility Policy or Corporate Strategic Social Responsibility through the 5P concept approach (planet, people, profit, peace, and partnership) which includes: economic performance (economic responsibility), environmental performance (environmental responsibility), and social performance (social responsibility)
  4. The implementation of the Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility Program or the Corporate Strategic Social Responsibility covers Pilantropi Program; Community Involvement Development (CID) Program; and the Non-Community Involvement Development / Non-CID Program);
  5. The pillars of the Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility activities of the Company include WTON Concern Pillars, Smart WTON Pillars, Healthy WTON Pillars, and WTON 3R Pillars (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

Jakarta, 19 April 2022

PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk.,



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